Simmer down! Winter's on its way out... right?

Technically, in Japan it’s already spring. You wouldn’t know it looking at my gas and electric bills, though. It’s still cold enough to be cooking up winter dishes, so I’ll post a couple more before I put this season to bed.
Have you noticed a theme with my winter food? Have you, bleaders? They’re practically all simmered in something. Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Is that all people eat over there in winter—simmered stuff?” I was beginning to wonder that myself, so I asked So’s aunt. “What else can I post on my blog?” She told me I had to make Mizutaki, which translates as “simmered water.” So the answer is yes, that is all people eat here in winter.
But here’s the thing, when you’re sitting in your freezing, non-insulated apartment dreaming of central heating (as most do in Japan), Mizutaki is one of those comfort dishes you start to crave. Basically, it’s a hot pot (or nabe, in Japanese) with chicken, and a dashi and konbu base. Everyone parks themselves in front of a portable burner eating piping hot meat and vegetables. It's nutritious, delicious food, and (thanks to the burner) it's an additional heat source. I know it saved my life more than once. With this year’s rambling winter season, it might save yours, too.
Stay tuned, and stay warm…


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