Japan Earthquake/Asia-Pacific Tsunami- Canadian Red Cross

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan on March 11th ranks among the worst natural disasters in recorded history. Living here in Japan and writing about Japanese food made me think about the thousands of Japanese who are right now without food and water.

Last night on the news, a reporter was speaking with a woman housed in a temporary shelter. Her biggest worry (aside from having lost everything in the tsunami) was that no food or water had arrived at the shelter. When the newscaster told her that supplies would arrive the next day, the sound of gratitude and relief in her voice brought tears to my eyes. It's something to think about when you're eating your next meal.

I strongly urge you to send whatever donation you can to the Red Cross or other reputable organization to help bring food, water and other much needed items to those affected by the disaster.

Japan Earthquake/Asia-Pacific Tsunami- Canadian Red Cross


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