Subtlety and refinement? Not my forté.

I don’t think I’m alone when I say that Japanese cuisine is intimidating. The flavor palette is completely alien to me. I’m an Italian girl and, for me, a dish that doesn’t involve one or all of the following: garlic, onions, tomatoes, basil, and oregano—the holy quinity, is uncharted territory*.

But if I had to pick one Japanese dish that scares me the most it’s—hands down—Chawan mushi. It’s a savory egg custard, gently steamed in a cup, with small bits of chicken, shrimp, ginkgo nut and shiitake floating in it. It looks as delicate as it tastes. I'd say it’s the culinary equivalent of the ideal Japanese woman—soft-spoken and refined.
Did I mention I’m an Italo-Canadian? I’m more ... what’s the word... blunt.  
‘Nuff said. Wish me luck...

*Revision as of March 20th: My cousin LV has pointed out a gross ommision from my list-- olive oil! My bad. I include it now for fear of being stricken down by God. Or if not God, then my mother with her wooden spoon.


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