Horenso no goma-ae - Spinach in a sesame dressing

1 bunch spinach, about 350 g
3 tbsp. black or white sesame seeds
2 tsp. sugar
2 tsp. oil (canola or other mild vegetable oils work best)
1 tbsp. soy sauce

Serves: 2
Time: 10 mins.

1. Wash spinach thoroughly, especially around the stem ends. Add the spinach stem-down in salted boiling water. Remove after 1 minute and let cool in ice water.


2. Gently squeeze the water out of the spinach. You can do this with your hands or by rolling the spinach in paper towels. Trim off the stem ends and cut the spinach into 7 cm lengths. Set aside.

hard to cut and take photos at the same time

3. In a small skillet, toast the sesame seeds but be careful not to burn them. Holding the skillet over the flame and giving it an occasional shake seems to work well. Remove from heat and, using a Japanese mortar and pestle (a regular mortar and pestle is fine, and I suppose a food processer will also work but the results will be less aromatic), grind the seeds.

also hard to use a mortar and pestle while operating a camera

4. Add in the sugar, oil, and soy sauce. Mix well and adjust seasonings to taste.


5. Using chopsticks (or whatever) dress the spinach with the sesame mixture. Serve warm or cold.

How I made out...
I've eaten this dish many times before, and have tried to replicate it at home, but it never turned out right. Then I came across a similar recipe in one of my cookbooks which used green beans so I played around with it and broke the horenso no goma-ae code! This is definately the fastest Japanese dish I've ever made. 10 minutes?! Please.

The verdict
So liked his with a bit more soy sauce, but I thought the balance was perfect. All in all, a great spring-time dish.


  1. That looks doable for me. I'll keep an eye out for the seeds.

    Oh, the other day I bought rice balls with peanut butter in from the Asian supermarket next door. Amazing.

  2. This looks like a great dose of healthy greens! To buy these ingredients here in Karlsruhe I would need to go to an asian supermarket, but something you get a lot of in Australian supermarkets.


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